Hello, World!

· 2min

I have no idea how to start this, but here we go.

A simple introduction

Hi there, my name is Matthew, and welcome to my little corner of the World Wide Web. As I'm sure you could tell by the title, I am a programmer. More specifically I work in the world of DevOps by day, and by night I tinker with a variety of projects, such as building Discord bots and setting up this blog. Speaking of which...

Why a blog?

Sometimes I cringe at the idea of creating a blog. Maybe it reminds me of myself at 11 years old, gleefully writing away whatever on my mind. Thankfully, those posts has since been removed off the Internet and now, more than a decade later, I've decided to try writing again for two reasons:

  1. Over the past few years, I have been following a theme for my life which I titled "Learning". However, I have realized that I have been focusing on career related topics like programming and cloud, but nothing else. This year I am changing the theme to "Exploring", and whilst I am still learning things, I will be focusing on learning things that I have rarely if ever done before.

  2. I simply need a place to braindump while I am working on my personal projects. Hopefully it will help me organise my thoughts when working, as well as leave behind a trail of logs that I can revise if I ever forget anything over the weekend.

So I did a little bit of searching and found Zola, a static site generator that converts markdown files into the website you're looking at now. After a few hours of setting up the site, I'm pretty happy with the result. I will probably mess around with the themes again later on, so if you're reading this in the far future, I hope it looks good over there.

Final thoughts

Going forward, I'll be using this space to write about whatever projects I'm working on. I have a few projects in mind, so stay tuned for that. I'll see you then.